F@#&in’-A-Write: The Power of Profanity in Marketing

F@#&in’-A-Write: The Power of Profanity in Marketing


1. Introduction: The Bleepin’ Power of Profanity
1.1. The Buzz: Why Everyone’s Talking About It
1.2. The Evolution of “Taboo”: How Language is Always Changing
2. The Science of Swearing: It’s Not All Bad Words
2.1. Emotions and Expletives: The Brain’s Response
2.2. The Recall Factor: How Curse Words Stick in Memory
3. Profanity’s Prowess in Pop Culture
3.1. How Top Brands Are Swearing Their Way to Success
3.2. From Movies to Memes: Profanity’s Grip on Our Attention
4. Breaking Down Barriers: The Real-talk Aspect
4.1. Building Authenticity: Why Audiences Connect with Candor
4.2. The Age of “Relatability”: Profanity’s Role in Making Brands More Human
5. SEO Benefits: F@#&ing Boost Your Rankings
5.1. Unconventional Keywords: Standing Out in Search Results
5.2. Engaging Content = Better SEO: How Profanity Can Play a Part
6. The Risks and Rewards
6.1. When It Works and When It Doesn’t
6.2. Treading Carefully: Understanding Cultural and Demographic Differences
7. Navigating the Minefield: How to Use Profanity Wisely
7.1. Knowing Your Audience: A Bleepin’ Important First Step
7.2. Balancing Act: Don’t Overdo the Swear Jar!
8. Case Studies: Brands that Swore and Scored
8.1. The Unexpected Heroes: Conservative Brands that Took the Plunge
8.2. Learning from Slip-Ups: Brands that F@#&ed Up and How They Recovered
9. The Road Ahead: Predictions for the Foul-Mouthed Future of Marketing
9.1. Will the Trend Last or Are We Just F@#&ing Around?
9.2. The New Marketing Frontier: Opportunities for Brands Willing to Take Risks
10. Conclusion: To Swear or Not to Swear? That’s the F@#&ing Question


Ok, let’s get this out of the way right now. Obviously, this article is going to contain profanity. So, if you’re someone who frequently calls the cops on “disorderly skateboarding youths”, or you eagerly volunteered to be your dorm’s RA, or you happen to be a huge fan of Christian Rock (the old stuff, not this new-age inclusive patootie) then please swipe left on this post and get back to drinking chamomile tea with your 6 cats or whatever cuz this one ain’t for you.

Ok, now that it’s just us cool kids, hey fuckers, how are ya? Let’s talk about why you should be adding a little linguistic sauce to your marketing content and copy.

“Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” – Mark Twain

1. Introduction: The Power of Profanity

Profanity is to communication as Florida is to the United States. Technically unnecessary, and you could probably make a case that we’d be better off without it altogether, but deep down inside you know we need it around because at the very least stories that contain a lot of it are almost always very fucking funny.

Sometimes, well-placed expletives are a necessary part of dialogue. If movies, to use one example, have taught us anything, it’s that actors like Samuel L. Jackson would be Samuel L. Who The Fuck Are You Talking About, if we didn’t know about his tremendous disdain for motherfuckin’ snakes on motherfuckin’ planes. And just as in film, the world of marketing is beginning to recognize the undeniable power of profanity.

1.1. The Buzz: Why Everyone’s Talking About It

From startups bros, to mainstream agencies, to TikTok tween queens or whatever they’re called, anyone with some shit to sell you is hopping on the F train. But why the bleep(fuck) exactly are brands evolving on their definitions of what ‘professional’ content means in their marketing strategies? THE REAL REASON MIGHT SHOCK YOU! (No it won’t)

1.2. The Evolution of “Taboo”: How Language is Always Changing

At one point, “bloody” was the edgiest word in the British dictionary. Then famously, in 1985, Irish singer-songwriter Bob Geldof made history when he said, “Just give us the fuckin’ money!” on live television, during the BBC’s Live Aid charity telethon. It made international news, and was recast (censored for the frail of course) for months. Incidentally, it also made the charity event a literal shit-ton of money. Fast forward a bit to 2020, the number one single for four weeks straight was Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion’s pivotal, feminist, musical-manifesto W.A.P, which today even your sweet, innocent grandmama knows stands for “Wet-Ass Pussy”. Times change, so should our discourse.


2. The Science of Swearing: It’s Not All Bad Words Bitch

2.1. Emotions and Expletives: The Brain’s Response

According to a Dr. Richard Stephens, a scientist with too much free time on his hands and whose name I simply MUST point out is Dick, profanity can actually increase one’s pain tolerance. His study, unimaginatively titled, “Swearing as a Response to Pain”, found that letting out some occasional off color expletives can actually act as a coping mechanism (1). Translate that into some wet-ass marketing, and you’re actually helping your demos cope with their pain.

2.2. The Recall Factor: How Profanity Sticks

Let’s be honest, you’re more likely to remember a slogan that swears atcha a lil’ bit, over the thousands of others that don’t. Or even the insinuation or profane language can be memorable. Campaigns like Kmart’s “Ship My Pants” or Jell-O’s “Fun My Life” are hella better than that of their g-rated competitors. We have data on this: strong emotional responses, like the kind you get from your local Ford dealer telling you to, “Shut the Truck Up”, improve memory recall (2).

3. Profanity’s Prowess in Pop Culture

3.1. How Top Brands Are Swearing Their Way to Success

Anyone heard of this little known, multimillion dollar game company Cards Against Humanity? Their entire brand is built on pushing boundaries, capitalizing on awkward subject matter, and they’re fucking killing it. From historically untouchable topics in ads to downright salacious social media posts, brands are learning that a little sauce goes a long way these days.

Let’s not forget that influencers like Gary Vee have been perfecting profanity as a profession for almost a decade. So much so that swearing has become an integral part of Gary’s brand. When he’s not shaking down MaMa and PopPop to shave 50 cents off of the Mickey Mantle rookie baseball card he just found at their garage sale, or telling high school kids that college is for fuckin losers, then he’s dropping f-bombs and creating viral content on the daily.

Fuckin’ Gary Vee, man.

4. Breaking Down Barriers: The Real-talk Aspect

4.1. Building Authenticity: Why Audiences Connect with Candor

Buyer markets and digital demographics today are very smart. More importantly however, unlike the same markets of just 20/25 years ago, they know what they want, and they’re much harder to persuade. With the exception of legacy giants like Nike and Apple, they don’t just buy  “brands”, they want real people. And sometimes, real people talk like Richard Pryor on the set of a Tarantino movie.

4.2. The Age of “Relatability”: Profanity’s Role in Making Brands More Human

Brands like Wendy’s are killing the Twitter game with their witty and often edgy comebacks and online tête-à-têtes. Public conversations with a candor and tone that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. If your brand had a voice, would it be a stiff boardroom executive, or a stiff bedroom executive? Leave your UUGG for that last sentence in the comments.

5. SEO Benefits: F@#&ing Boost Your Rankings

5.1. Unconventional Keywords: Standing Out in Search Results

Every brand is optimizing for “best shoes” or “affordable laptops”. But how many are optimizing for “best goddamn shoes you’ll ever wear”? It’s untapped, unique, and quite frankly, a brilliant SEO move.

5.2. Engaging Content = Better SEO: How Profanity Can Play a Part

Forget the algorithms for a sec. People share content that’s funny, relatable, and different. Profanity in relatable content is the new cat playing a piano or that cannibal Charlie video. More fuckin’ exposure means better fuckin’ SEO.

6. The Risks and Rewards

6.1. When It Works and When It Doesn’t

Now, it’s not all rainbows and flying unicorns. The key is knowing when to drop an f-bomb and when to keep it clean. Using profanity in UNICEF ad copy? Maybe not so much. But selling antidepressants to dogs or progressive auto insurance? Flow will tell you what the fuck is up.

6.2. Treading Carefully: Understanding Cultural and Demographic Differences

Remember, what’s funny to one culture might be soops offensive to another. So do your research and probably steer clear of the Amish. All due respect, Zebadiah.

7. The Road Ahead: Predictions for the Foul-Mouthed Future of Marketing

7.1. Will the Trend Last or Are We Just F@#&ing Around?

With the current trajectory, profanity will most likely continue to play a more and more important role in online and mainstream ad copy and content.

7.2. The New Marketing Frontier: Opportunities for Brands Willing to Take Risks

As they say, fortune favors the bold. Or in this case, the profane.

8. Conclusion: To Swear or Not to Swear? The Ultimate F@#&ing Question

To wrap it up, language is evolving, and so is marketing. Using profanity can be a powerful tool, but like any other strategy or marketing methodology, it’s all about how you use and implement it. Your best bet is to hire someone funny, learn to be a little more open minded, and try not to offend unless absolutely necessary.

Thanks fuckers

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Disclaimer: This article is for brands with a sense of humor. Always remember to align your marketing strategies with your brand’s values and target audience.





  1. Stephens, R., & Umland, C. (2011). Swearing as a response to pain – effect of daily swearing frequency. The Journal of Pain, 12(12), 1274-1281. ↩
  2. LaBar, K. S., & Phelps, E. A. (1998). Arousal-mediated memory consolidation: Role of the medial temporal lobe in humans. Psychological Science, 9(6), 490-493. ↩
Premium Branding Solutions: Elevating Brand Experience in 2023

Premium Branding Solutions: Elevating Brand Experience in 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Premium Branding Solutions: Elevating Brand Experience in 2023
  2. The Essence of Branding
  3. The 2023 Frontier of Promotional Items
  4. The Power of Tangible Branding
  5. Collaborating with Elite Retail Brands
  6. Superior Screen Printing & Embroidery
  7. Why World-Class Companies Trust GNT Branding
  8. The Allure of Custom Hats
  9. Expert Guidance for Your Queries
    • A Few Points to Consider

The Essence of Branding

We believe that branding transcends mere aesthetics; it evokes feelings and constructs emotional bonds with consumers. As your trusted corporate branding partner, our mission is to magnify your brand’s distinctive ethos. By blending impeccable design with well-thought-out strategy, we ensure your brand resonates in the hearts of your consumers, leaving an enduring imprint.

The 2023 Frontier of Promotional Items

Staying ahead of the curve is vital in today’s dynamic market. Our ensemble of trendspotters, innovators, and selectors continually monitor evolving trends, crafting experiences that not only accentuate your brand but resonate deeply with today’s discerning audience.

The Power of Tangible Branding

A brand is not just a logo or a tagline; it’s an experience. With our expertise, transform your brand into a tactile sensation. Through meticulously designed custom merchandise and apparel, we curate experiences that fortify emotional bonds, enhancing the potency of your brand’s message.

Collaborating with Elite Retail Brands

Colorado recognizes us as a branding pinnacle, granting us the privilege to collaborate with some of the most illustrious retail brands. Dive into our continually growing catalog of esteemed retail brand associates and sculpt an unmatched branding experience for your clientele.

Superior Screen Printing & Embroidery

Your merchandise deserves to be unique. With cutting-edge screen printing and intricate embroidery techniques, we ensure your promotional items and apparel are a class apart, reinforcing a consistent and compelling brand image across every piece.

Why World-Class Companies Trust GNT Branding

From grassroots organizations to global conglomerates, our expansive portfolio is a testament to our unparalleled service quality. Our distinctive approach to branding, sourcing, and production has nurtured invaluable associations across diverse sectors, including hospitality, automotive, software solutions, beverages, and many more. With us, you’re not merely partnering with another agency; you’re aligning with the vanguard of branding excellence.

The Allure of Custom Hats

Narrate a compelling brand tale with our bespoke hat collection. Crafted to reflect your brand’s ethos, our hats incorporate top-tier fabrics, myriad logo embellishments, and refined touches such as interior prints and private labels. Embrace customization; as rightly said by CRAIG DAVID of AUDI FLATIRONS, “Details matter. Offering something unique always garners more appreciation.”

Expert Guidance for Your Queries

Embarking on a branding journey might raise multiple questions. Whether you’re uncertain about quantities, decoration methods, or even your budget, we’re here to guide you. Our adept branding team will assist you in tailoring solutions that align with your goals, budget, and timeframe.

A Few Points to Consider:

  • Logo Files: For optimal outcomes, provide logo files in Adobe Illustrator (.ai), EPS (.eps), or PDF (.pdf) format, preferably above 1MB.
  • Taxation: Clients in specific states might be subject to sales tax. Exemptions can be availed by providing a resale certificate.
  • Payments: We accept a myriad of payment methods, including ACH, company checks, all significant credit cards, and pre-approved Net 30 terms.
  • Design Assistance: Our design maestros are at your service to refine your files for production, subject to minimal charges based on specific requirements.

Elevate your brand’s horizon with us. Welcome to a journey of unparalleled branding excellence.



Topic: Antiquity
Question: “What do you get when you cross the Vikings with an American Express Black Card and the generational entitlement of a Silicon Valley CEO’s 18 year old son?”
Answer: “What is, ‘The Roman Empire’ Alex?

Question: Why are men thinking about the Roman Empire?

The Romans were a people known for three things: aqueducts, Christian vs. lion dance off competitions, and living rent free in the minds of 21st century men all over America. What we want to determine is why are men in 2023 so obsessed with an empire that fell (or so they would have you believe) more than 1500 years ago.

The Roman Empire began in 27 B.C., fell in 476 A.D., and then in 2023, ROSE AGAIN, in the most based way possible, by going viral on TikTok.

In hundreds of posts shared on social media, women, more inquisitive than Lil Jon, have been asking the men in their lives how often they think about The Roman Empire. “Constantly,” one husband responded. “Like, every day,” said some other idiot. And one woman, upon making similar inquiries of her beloved, found that not only did her husband think about the empire quite often, but in actuality he was obsessed with it. So much so that he and his fellow Romaniac buddies would regularly go down to the local males-only bathhouse and spa to – as he put it to her – vigorously reenact famous Roman battles and practice ancient hand-to-hand combat techniques. Committing to their hobby so passionately that they would often come home days later exhausted, sweating and barely able to stand. True dedication to the memory of a glorious empire.

But what is it specifically that fascinates men so much about these robed-up, sandals in the winter wearin’ bad boys? Simple. The Roman Empire represents everything that the modern American man has lost in recent years to out of control progressivism, new-wave feminism and shady global elites, hell-bent on tearing down everything that said modern man has built with his own two hands!!

Well… I mean, more so what said modern man’s grandfather and father built with their own two hands and then passed down to said modern man through tax-loopholes and generational wealth, but you get it.


Anyway, The Empire represents a time when men used to be men. ALPHAS! These 4 foot 9 inch titans bowed to no one. They conquered everything and everyone in their paths. From weak and starving Frankish goat herders to illiterate and sickly Germanic farmers, to whatever the fuck the “Celts” were, The Romans spread the republic’s righteousness from King’s Landing in the south to Winterfell in the north. Don’t look that up.

The Romans represent everything the American man can become and embody the freedoms modern man is entitled to by birth right! Freedoms that are being stripped away from the modern man as you read this very article. Freedoms like the right to have a good time every now and again without being judged for trivialities like “drinking in the morning” or “are you dinking in the morning again, Richard?” or “I’m taking the kid’s to my mother’s, you do whatever the hell you want to do Richard. Have your fun, wear your stupid sandals in the winter, I just can’t live like this anymore.”.

So many rules, so much oppression, uugh!!

Why is the modern American man obsessed with the Roman Empire? Because it fell. And he feels like he’s next. Only a few decades ago, the American man was very much like the average ancient Roman aristocrat. A quintessential part of an apex culture and society; master of technology and shaper of worlds; respected and feared by millions, the sun never setting on that which he had conquered or colonized. The currency of the Romans was used across three different continents and it had military control over every major city from the Atlantic to the Caspian.

The empire had power beyond measure. And as such, it it became entitled, comfortable, and lazy. And so it fell. The modern American man can’t help but acknowledge the similarities between himself and the Roman and realize that his way of life may be at an end as well.

Two of these rants per week. Sign up for our newsletter below

Why this small web design and development agency is your best friend.

Why this small web design and development agency is your best friend.

Table of Contents

GNT Branding: Your Premier Web Development Solution

    • Introduction to GNT Branding
      • Our Unique Approach
      • Our Commitment
    • Why Small Agencies Rule
      • Personalized Attention
      • Tailor-Made Solutions
    • How We Stand Out
      • Innovative Design
      • Cutting-edge Technologies
    • Resolving Business Website Issues
      • Diagnosing Problems
      • Customized Strategies
    • Achieving Your Vision
      • Our Design Philosophy
      • Our Development Process
    • Conclusion
    • FAQs

GNT Branding: Your Premier Web Development Solution

Welcome to GNT Branding! We’re not just another web development agency; we’re your partners in building an online presence that outshines the competition. Ever wondered how a small web development agency like ours can revamp your existing website or create a spanking new one that perfectly aligns with your business needs? Here’s the scoop!

Introduction to GNT Branding

How about we kick things off by introducing ourselves. At GNT Branding, we specialize in weaving technology and creativity to craft web solutions that resonate with your brand essence.

Our Unique Approach

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Every business is different, and so should be its online face. Our team dives deep into your brand’s ethos, ensuring every pixel we craft resonates with your unique identity.

Our Commitment

Our passion goes beyond coding and design. We’re committed to delivering solutions that drive results, whether it’s a spike in traffic, increased conversion rates, or a boost in brand visibility.

Why Small Agencies Rule

In a sea of gigantic, impersonal agencies, why opt for a smaller one like us? Well, small, in this case, is indeed beautiful and incredibly effective!

Personalized Attention

Being a small agency allows us to offer you something the big fishes can’t—personalized attention. You are not just another client in a vast portfolio; you are a valued partner deserving of bespoke service.

Tailor-Made Solutions

GNT doesn’t do generic. Every solution we provide is tailor-made to suit your specific needs and goals. This means more flexibility, more relevance, and more success.

How We Stand Out

Wondering what makes us the cream of the crop? It’s our relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation in every project we undertake.

Innovative Design

We love thinking outside the box! Our designs are not just visually stunning but are also user-friendly and optimized for conversions. We create experiences, not just websites.

Cutting-edge Technologies

We are tech aficionados! From the latest web development frameworks to futuristic tech trends, we ensure your website is built on a solid, future-proof foundation.

Resolving Business Website Issues

Struggling with website woes? We are your web doctors, diagnosing issues and prescribing the right remedies to get your site back on its feet.

Diagnosing Problems

Whether it’s sluggish performance, poor SEO, or outdated design, we meticulously identify the pain points affecting your website’s health.

Customized Strategies

Once we know the issues, we formulate strategies that are not just solutions but enhancements, elevating your website to new heights.

Achieving Your Vision

Our job isn’t done until your vision is realized. We work hand in hand with you to ensure that the end result is exactly what you envisioned, or even better!

Our Design Philosophy

We believe in a design that tells a story, a design that reflects your brand’s soul. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating an emotional connection with your audience.

Our Development Process

Our process is collaborative and transparent. We keep you in the loop at every stage, ensuring the final product is a true reflection of your brand.


In the vast universe of web development agencies, GNT Branding shines as a beacon of innovation, commitment, and personalized service. Whether you’re looking to fix your existing website or craft a new one from scratch, we are your go-to partner, turning your web dreams into tangible realities!

How does GNT Branding handle project timelines?
We adhere strictly to deadlines and ensure transparent communication about project progress.
Can GNT Branding work with my existing brand aesthetics?
Absolutely, we strive to enhance and elevate your existing brand aesthetics to align them perfectly with your vision.
Does GNT Branding offer post-launch support?
Yes, we offer various post-launch support and maintenance packages to suit your needs.
Can GNT Branding revamp my existing website’s design without changing the content?
Definitely! We can rejuvenate your site's design while retaining the existing content and structure.
Is GNT Branding experienced in e-commerce website development?
Yes, we have extensive experience in developing seamless and effective e-commerce websites.
ChatGPT cannot write funny

ChatGPT cannot write funny

So hire someone who can. You won’t regret it… Well, you might. Actually, you for sure will regret it. But not until much later, so just hire em.
Anyway, my point is that for all the traditional media hype and social media fear-mongering about how everyone is going to lose their jobs because ChatGPT is mere months away from sentience and just a few years away from total, global, geo-political domination via some as yet to be designed viral NFT bio-weapon, it is important to remember that artificial intelligence algorithms (as well as the frickin’ nerds behind their development) are not, and never will be, funny.
Don’t believe me, I asked ChatGPT to tell me what it thought “funny” was, and this is what it gave me:
“The emergent property society has labeled “funny” can be described or distinguished by unexpected or amusing commentary or situations typically inducing states of comicality or laughter. For example, like when small children randomly blurt out, ‘fuck’ and ‘oh, shit bitch’ in public in defiance of their parents’ earlier instructions; or when very old people fall down for no apparent reason; or when small children say ‘oh, shit bitch’ in response to some old people falling down for no apparent reason. That is “funny” ”
Actually, you know what, that is funny. Do you know why that’s funny? Because, I wrote that shit. ChatGPT’s ain’t funny like that. GPT couldn’t write funny if it’s algo depended on it.
This is what GPT actually gave me when I asked it what “funny” was…
“The term “funny” is the Swiss Army knife of humor, cutting through life’s dullness with its sharp edge of amusement. It’s that magical moment when words, images, or situations tickle your brain’s funny bone, sending your diaphragm into fits of uncontrollable laughter. Being funny is the art of catching people off guard, serving them a slice of the unexpected that’s been dipped in wit and deep-fried in irony. In essence, something’s funny when it’s an unexpected twist on the ordinary, packaged with a bow made of timing and delivery.”
Uuummmm, what? “dipped in wit and deep-fried in irony”?? That’s not funny, Chad-GPT. That’s lame. The opposite of funny. “dipped in wit and deep-fried in irony” is the name of a Florida community improv group. It’s a dad joke that didn’t even make it out of workshop. It sucks Chad.
By the way, I asked Google what it thought was funny and it just said, ‘BING’.
Solid burn, Google.
You can’t teach funny. To algorithms or to people. You’re either born with a talent for comedic timing and dry social commentary or you’re fucking not. Granted, occasionally the ability to make people laugh might get pounded into you by a class-based social system which permits some low-borns to rise up through the ranks if said LBs can suitably entertain the soulless aristocracy at the top; the prom queens, quarterbacks and Barrons sitting at a cool table they’ve neither earned nor appreciated. But that road is long, dangerous and filled with crossing chickens.
Anyway, the point is be funny if you can. Whenever you can. Have fun whenever you can. Get embarrassed. Take fucking risks. Do human shit. Because for all the hype and a $10 billion valuation, Chad-GPT and all the other AI’s out there are just dad jokes for the 21st-century.